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Servant Leaders
Seems like everyone today wants to be a leader, but few have the desire or the stomach to be a servant-leader. Today leaders generally look out for themselves while servant leaders sense a responsibility to look out for the well-being of others, usually at the expense of themselves. The church today is suffering for a lack of these servant leaders which has resulted in the church reaching a place of comfortableness of being served instead of serving others. One difference between leaders and servant-leaders can be found in the thought that leaders usually want respect while servant leaders want results. A servant leader immersed in God's love has no time to dwell on past losses or mistakes, but looks for solutions that will heal and bring restoration to the wounded and discouraged among us. 
True leadership is not as hard and complex as many people make it out to be today. True leaders simply step up to the plate without grumbling about the pitches they are getting, swing the bat and do their best to hit the ball (work for solutions). If they hit a home run (find successful solutions) they bring great fulfillment to others and themselves, however they are quick to remember that soon another fresh turn at the plate will be coming again. The next time they may strike out or hit a pop fly to the warning track only to be chased down by the opposing team and caught for an out, but despair will not easily get a true servant-leader down because they live for another chance to display the gift that God has placed within them to help others.
True servant-leaders giving from the kings resources will never be empty or run dry, whereas giving to others solely from you own strength, will bankrupt you soon enough. Remember the words found in Luke 10:27...You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Now that's the beginning of true servant leadership. 
What kind of leader will you be for the kingdom of God?


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